- Small-Scale-Partnership (polnisch, rumänisch, lettisch, deutsch)
- Deutsch-tunesischer Jugendaustausch 2019
- Deutsch-griechisch-italienischer Jugendaustausch 2019
- Deutsch-tunesischer Jugendaustausch 2018
- Deutsch-bosnisch-rumänischer Jugendaustausch 2018 (Teil 1 in Vlotho)
- Deutsch-tunesischer Jugendaustausch 2017
- Fortbildungskurs für Lehrkräfte Deutsch als Fremdsprache:
„Schulen: Partner der Zukunft“ 2017 - Deutsch-tunesischer Jugendaustausch 2016
Bringing Ukraine closer to the EU – Vlotho April 26th – May 4th, 2025
Your profile:

- Age between 16 and 27 years old
- Interested in history, sustainability and migration
- Living in Germany
- At least basic knowledge of English to understand each other, or the possibility to help with translation from the national group (if you can read this, it´s enough😉)
- Available during the entire project period
- Ready to enjoy the intercultural environment with people from Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Romania, and Germany

The fight against human-made climate change and the effects of the war in Ukraine are the two biggest crises in Europe. We will give an input on the content and afterwards let´s work together on ideas for what we see as a good future. E.g. we take a trip to Hanover to visit places left over from World War II or rebuilt after the war. We also have games on sustainable development and discuss joint action. We also address mental health in these times of crisis.
Central to the entire project is to bring the Ukrainian participants into contact with the other mostly EU citizens. We want to bring Ukraine closer to the EU.
Price: 100€ (included program, accommodation, meals) + travel
Interested? Questions? Mail me: jannik.struckmeyer@gesw.de